We’ve all been blessed by Bruce’s teaching (Johnathan Edwards would’ve been pleased too), and if his comments today about the role of the pulpit in worship resonated with you, consider Bruce’s new book.  Just click on the book and you’ll be taken directly to Northampton Press where you can add it to your library for the pre-release price of $10 (plus S&H) until March 1.

Purchase from Northampton Press

“We have lost the exalted view of the pulpit that was characteristic of the Puritan era. They held both the pulpit and the Word of God in high esteem. Preaching the Word was the highest calling imaginable.

In this important work, Dr. R. Bruce Bickel shows what was admirable about their view of the pulpit and the preached Word. We would do well to listen to his admonitions and to see how far removed we are today.

May God once again raise up a large number of ‘godly preachers.’ ”

 – from Northamption Press –

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