Update from Bob, September 26, 2013
“A brief update on Nathan who will be two in October. He has a “pediatric glioma tumor” near the brain stem. A portion is inoperable and they have been treating him all this time with a chemotherapy regimen. Symptoms have been difficulty swallowing and left side facial and body weakness. Just this week we have learned the chemo is no longer working, the tumor is growing and the symptoms are becoming more pronounced. His parents have decided to try a risky vaccine clinical trial (experimental) as the oncologist believes it is the most promising option. Nathan can’t have radiation until he is three so everyone is working to get him there. Surprisingly, he is a happy and fun loving little guy who is tough as nails. His parents are most appreciative of the prayers from the Brave Men and these prayers are most important now as the new treatment begins next week. Thanks to all.
Bob Busteed, “An update on little 8 month old Nathan, the grandson of the Talkowski’s, friends of ours. An MRI revealed a brain tumor attached to his spine. An operation took place on June 5th. Little Nathan was only 14 lbs. The surgeon removed about 90% of the brain tumor. The remainder affects swallowing, one arm, an eye. He has a feeding tube although they have commenced some limited soft foods by mouth. Nathan is at home now and physical therapy has started for the arm. Doctors are hopeful. Parents are encouraged and their faith is growing. They (and I) are very appreciative of the prayers from the Brave Men!”